Spelunking and Canyoning in Sulpan-Pinipisakan Cave System
Sulpan and Pinipisakan cave are two interconnected
cave system ensconced in the deep jungle of Western Samar. The cave
can be reached through the municipal boundaries of Matuguinao, San
Jose de Buan or San Jorge.
To reach the entrance of the cave from San
Jorge, you can take the route to Snas. From Snas, either follow
the trail down to the Humaket River or take the trail going North-East.
If you take the trail to Humaket River, just follow the river.
The cave system can be traversed in a half
day using the shortest route. There are still uncharted chambers
remaining to be explored.
The exit of the cave which is located in
the Pinipisakan area offers a wide latitude for canyoning towards
Gandara River. From the exit of the cave, the nearest barangay called
Mobo-ob, is 4 hours away by swimming.
On April 2000, Saklang assembled a 7-man
team to track the route from San Jorge to the mouth of the cave,
to identify some of the uncharted chambers not plotted in the speleological
map and to swim more than 5 kilometer river as exit route back to
San Jorge.
Using a topographical map from Namria,
Cecile, Ambo, Alex, Joey, Marlito, Jay and Frietz, successfully
plotted the route, traversed the cave system and swam rivers sculpted
in between towering gorges.